About Tensile Structure-
In this online segment, we are going to have a complete know-how about tensile structures. You will be discovering about how you can fabricate these structures before laying them down to perfection. You will also be dwelling deeper into the cost factor, time taken to complete structured membranes and so on.
Well, what do you understand by the term ‘tensile structures?’ To answer the question, this is a small activity you can come up with. Imagine a fabric with no compressed or bending foams. You only find elements causing tension. These are broadly classified as tensile structures. In other words, you can also visualize the concept, this way. Tensile or tension structures are the most commonly known thin shell like structures.
These thin shells like membranes are sheets that are used to give attractive make-over to a roof and can be used over a building or even a sports facility. Tensile structures are mainly used to give finishing touches to roofs of buildings. Mainly because these membranes like fabric structures look attractive or highly appealing to the eye. At the same time, these are also available economically.
Sports facilities, ware house buildings and exhibition venues commonly make use of tensile structures.
Deeper Insights into the Same
Tensile structures or membranes are mainly characterized by tensioning a fabric or other pliable materials. These include your wires or cables. These structures provide a structural support to the actual building or premises.
As tension structures can also be depicted to canopy structures for commercial use, these beautify the appearance. Landscape art work and modular industrial buildings largely depend on tensile structures. These provide an airy or a completely stunning look to the same. The canopy structures mainly aim at utilizing the strength of the fabric in order to provide equilibrium or support to the entire structure. You get a neat and sassy appearance while tensile fabric is used to complete a roof or surveillance area of the building.
Materials that go into the making
If you want to know more about tensile fabric structures, you need to understand the elements that go into the making. The membranes typically make use of Teflon coated fiberglass, exterior grade vinyl and woven fabrics. These usually carry a warranty period ranging between 7 and 24 years. These membranes are usually translucent in nature. The frames or cables are typically constructed using steel. The cables are designed using stainless or given a coat of PVC. This is mainly done to prevent the tensile structures from corrosion. The cable terminations exude style and elegance.
If you have a project near a highly marine environment, then you can have an epoxy wet paint finish done. The architectural structures of highly tensioned membranes include PTFE or PVC. PTFE refers to Poly Tetra Florine Ethylene. This is a high strength architectural fabric designed by a global brand namely Saint Gobain.
Usage of them in viable projects
These are typically attractive and shaded membranes. However, you cannot use tensioned fabrics to design private residences. Mainly due to the heavier cost structures, tensile membranes are endowed with. However Shade Karigar provides economical options and provides plethora of options in tensile structures that can be used in residential as well as commercial spaces.
In many cases the tensioned fabricated structures are predominantly used for commercial projects. Again you use these depending on the size and scope of project, you have in mind. The structures aid engineering projects that can sustain tension strength of 5000 to 20,000 kilograms. It is important for you to estimate the structural strength at every stress point. Otherwise several structural damages can occur. This can spoil the entire scope of the project, you have in mind. Engineering specialists who have thorough knowledge on tensile membranes can be consulted. This holds true if you are taking the move for the very first time.
Suitability of Tensile Structures
You need to analyze the main application of the project. This is essential when have to decide if structural tension membranes are suitable for you or not. You also need to calculate your budget and projected return on investment over a project on display. These are high-end canopy structures that taken in heavy stress loads at concentration areas.
The steel requirements for construction of these go on a heavy scale one. That is primarily the reason why these structures are pretty expensive in nature. Structured tensile sheets cost double the amount of money over conventional canopy sheets. But the attractive display of these sheets can draw better clientele and bring new business deals – especially if you are coming up with a night club, restaurant, mall or a commercial establishment.
Overall Cost of Getting It Done
If you wanted to know the exact figure to have tension structures designed, then here is the cost factor for you. Each and every design is unique. The cost factor again depends on a complexity of factors. Some of these include nature of project, size dimensions, designing aspect of it and so on. Engineering-work, municipal codes, permit requirements, time tables and other site related logistics can also have a bearing on the cost.
You can discuss the entire project with our tensile fabric specialist. The materials will then be customized to suit your project needs.
Time-Taken To Complete a Project.
- 1 weeks for completing 3 D drawings. The engineer will also have to get the relevant approval from the concerned authorities.
- 1 weeks for engineering calculations and analysis
- 1 weeks for meeting up with people and getting the sanction reports
- 1 weeks for shop drawings
- 2 weeks for purchase of materials after the shop drawings receive their approval
- 3 weeks to design frame membranes
- 2 weeks to deliver and install frame
- And 1 week to completely paint the structures